LeADERS Courses

Click on headings below to see pre-approved LeADERS-designated courses and co-curricular options for each area

*Indicates online course offerings are available

Click here to review pre-approved LeADERS Applied Work-Based Learning courses.

Pre-Approved Co-curricular Options:


Click here to review pre-approved LeADERS Diversity courses.

Pre-Approved Co-curricular Options:

  • Study Abroad/Applicable field study experiences
  • Diversity Institute (must attend at least 2 DI sessions)

Click here to review pre-approved LeADERS Entrepreneurship courses.

Pre-Approved Co-curricular Options:

Click here to review pre-approved LeADERS Research/Writing courses.

Pre-Approved Co-curricular Options:

Click here to review pre-approved LeADERS Service Learning courses.

Pre-Approved Co-curricular Options:

  • Alternative Spring Break

Wondering how these LeADERS-designated courses fit into your major? Click on the links below to review curriculum guides for majors arranged by their respective colleges.

Questions about these guides can be directed to leaders@xjiu.net.